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Confessions of a Compulsive Worrier

Updated: Jun 5, 2019

Hi I’m Kirsty, the definition of a compulsive worrier and OCD stress head! My daily life may seem the dream to the outside eye: great job, wonderful friends, amazing family. However, from the inside it can be lonely, stressful and such a whirlwind of emotions that you couldn’t even comprehend! 

My mental health is miles from perfect, but in some ways I believe it is built into my DNA. Even on the most calm and chilled days my mind will be rushing, creating unlikely scenarios and situations I could be faced with. Worrying about the ever changing unknown and most importantly always putting a negative spin on everything. If I’m honest I think no matter how much I try I will always be that little bit more anxious than most.

For as long as I can remember I have struggled with mental health issues. I have been in and out of psychologists since my early high school years and I was diagnosed with OCD in my early teens. Although  both are very common there is a lot of stigma associated with mental health! ‘Just get over it’ they say! ‘Let it go’ and ‘forget about it’ they will tell you! I can promise you it is not that easy … I’ve tried! 

I’ve tried for 24 years to reduce my anxiety levels and it’s incredibly difficult! If I’m honest some days nothing seems to help apart from a good old fashioned cry! Although completely ridding yourself of any mental health issues takes a great deal of time (I’m not even half way there) there are things you can do to help ease the process and on a whole lower your stress levels, so on those more difficult days you feel slightly more prepared to tackle the day!

In a day and age where mental health is on the rise and more people are feeling isolated in their own heads I want to shine the light on the situation. I want to share some of my personal struggles but also share my tips and encourage you to talk about your mental health issues, no matter how ridiculous you believe them to be! Example: I leave my flat everyday and despite checking everything multiple times before I leave I am still convinced my unplugged phone charger is going to spontaneously combust and burn my home to the ground! Ridiculous I know, however the fear and compulsive checking is incredibly real no matter how much I tell myself ‘I’m being silly’. It may seem silly but to me its not!

1 in 3 of us struggle with mental health related issues - that is a huge number of people. Take a look around you. I bet you are not the only one in that room feeling the way you do, chances are the person sitting next to you is possibly feeling it too. The point I make is that you are not alone!! I feel it too. Lets start the conversation and hopefully together we can lift the stigma on mental health and most of all not be defined by it.

Until next week…

Kirsty x

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